针对高速轨道车轻量化问题,采用APDL语言建立某型高速轨道车车体的参数化优化设计模型,以车体的质量为目标函数,以Goodman疲劳极限线图作为约束条件,对车体结构几何形状进行优化设计。结果表明:优化后车体的质量减少了13.1%,车体应力分布更趋于均匀,减少了应力集中的现象,车体强度满足EN 12663—2000标准的设计要求。
To solve the lightweight problem with high speed rail vehicle, the parametric optimal design model of a car body of high-speed track car was established by the APDL language. By taking the mass of car body as object function, and the Goodman fatigue limit graph as restrictive conditions, the geometric shape of the car body structure was optimized. The results show that the quality of car body was decreased by 13.1% after optimization, the stresses were distributed more evenly and the stress concentration were reduced, car body structure strength met the design require- ments of EN 12663--2000 standard.
Journal of Machine Design