
航运大数据:提升今日效率 缔造明日安全 被引量:1

Big data in shipping: supporting efficiency today, creating safer ships tomorrow
摘要 几年前,“大数据”一词在航运业仍是比较晦涩的字眼,如今,这个词已经俯拾即是。大数据似乎代表着未来,但它对今日和明日的航运业而言,到底意味着什么呢? 作为一家船级社,美国船级社(ABS)正好站在长期监管政策和当下经营现实的交叉口上.因此,在探讨大数据对航运业产生的近期及远期影响方面,也具有独到的视角. From a term that was somewhat obscure just a few years ago, these days it is almost impossible to avoid the term 'big data' in a shipping industry context. Big data, it seems, is the future. But what does it mean to the industry now and what will it mean in the future? As a classification society, ABS finds itself standing squarely at the crossroads between long term regulatory policy and the realities of today's operations. It's a position that provides us with a unique perspective from which to discuss the impact of big data on the industry in the coming years and decades to come. Big data and its potential as an agent of change has two distinct, but related facets. The first is its ability to be applied in the near-term, to support improved operational p e r f o r m a n c e o f n e w a n d e x i s t i n g v e s s e l s. I t s second, longer term impact, is on the safe design and operation of future assets. In the process, big data can become the glue that binds the industry, regulators and class into a relationship from which all can benefit. The ability of regulators, owners, operators and class to leverage data to provide enhanced decision making, insightful discoveries and process optimisation that foster an industry which is safer and more efficient is an exciting prospect, with shared dividends by all parties. How well we collectively respond to this challenge will depend on how far both the industry and regulators are prepared to go in embracing new approaches to collaboration and transparency that big data will help to make possible.
机构地区 美国船级社
出处 《中国远洋航务》 2014年第7期52-53,11,共2页 China Ocean Shipping Monthly
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