

An Investigation into Visually-Impaired Secondary School Students' Attitudes Towards Their Use of Canes
摘要 定向行走是视障学生最基本、最重要的一项核心技能,而盲杖是整个定向行走训练的基础。当前盲校视障学生定向行走能力非常局限,但他们在日常生活中又很少使用盲杖,为探明原因,本研究通过自编《盲杖使用态度调查表》,从盲杖的认可情况、使用环境、最大顾虑、培训方式四个维度,对50名盲校教职工、98名学生家长,以及69名初中及以上学段的视障学生进行调查,结果发现:(1)三类人群对视障学生是否需要使用盲杖均持较高的支持态度,但视障学生的支持比例显著小于其他两类人群;(2)三类人群对在"社区环境"或"社区和学校环境都需要"使用盲杖的支持比例较高;(3)三类人群较为一致地认同"担心盲杖伤到自己或他人"是持杖出行的最大顾虑;(4)三类人群均较支持"一对一"盲杖技术培训方式,相对于学生,家长和教职工对"家长参与配合指导"的支持比例较高。 This study, by using a self-developed questionnaire to survey 3 groups of people, including 50 teach ers from a school for the blind, 69 visually-impaired secondary school students, and 98 parents of these students, from such dimensions as the acceptance of the cane, the environment in which to use the cane, the major con cerns about the use of the cane, and the methods to train visually-impaired students to use the cane, aims to probe into visually-impaired secondary school students' attitudes towards their use of the cane. The results show the following: (1) a high proportion of each of the three groups support the need to use the cane by visually-impaired students, but the visually-impaired secondary school students show a lower level of support than the other two groups; (2) a high proportion of each of the three groups support the need to use the cane either in the community or in the community and the school by visually-impaired students; (3) the three groups all agree that the most serious scruple about the use of the cane is the worry about hurting others in the use of the cane; and (4) the three groups all support the one-on-one method to train visually-impaired students to use the cane; compared with the visually-impaired students, a high proportion of their parents and teachers render support to parents' involvement in guiding the use of the cane. The author draws conclusions as follows: all the three groups support the use of the cane, especially the use of the cane in the community; at present the visually-impaired students seldom use the cane, as is likely to correlate with their limited activities, their poor ability to use the cane, and their psychological factors; and the methods to train visually-impaired students to use the cane need to be changed, and parental involvement is important.
作者 王丽丽
机构地区 北京市盲人学校
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期26-30,共5页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 视障学生 盲杖 态度 visually-impaired students cane attitude
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