
刺激类型和刺激物空间大小对孤独症儿童社会性注意定向的影响 被引量:3

The Effects of Stimuli Types and Sizes on Autistic Children's Social Attention Orientation to Social Stimuli
摘要 本研究采用自由观看任务,给16名孤独症儿童和21名控制组儿童呈现图片材料,利用眼动追踪实验技术,考察社会性刺激材料类型(包括人物、动物和物体)和刺激物的空间大小(近景和远景图片)对孤独症儿童社会性注意定向的影响。结果发现,孤独症儿童对社会性刺激的注意定向存在一定损伤,但仍然对动物和人等社会性刺激存在一定偏好。刺激物的空间大小影响到孤独症对刺激物的注意,孤独症儿童对近景和远景刺激在注视时间上没有显著差异。 This study, by using the method of eye-movement tracking to survey 16 autistic children and 21 normal children, who are shown pictures as stimuli, aims to explore the effects of the types of social stimuli (including figures, animals and objects) and their sizes (close-up and vision pictures) on autistic children's orientation to social attention. The results show the following: the autistic children demonstrate certain damage in terms of their orientation to social attention, but they still have a certain preference for certain social stimuli. The stimuli size has an effect on the autistic children's attention to stimuli;the autistic children show no sigmificant difference in their fixation on close-up and vision stimuli.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期41-46,89,共7页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
基金 全国“十一五”教育规划国家青年基金项目“儿童阅读障碍与注意缺陷多动障碍的语音回路功能对比研究”(项目批准号:CBA090119)的成果之一
关键词 孤独症儿童 注意定向 刺激类型 刺激物空间大小 眼动 autistic children attention orientation stimuli type stimuli size eye movement
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