
空间形态受限型城市紧凑发展研究--以厦门岛为例 被引量:2

Compact development of space-limited city: a case study of Xiamen Island
摘要 土地资源缺乏决定了空间形态受限型城市急需转变现有城市发展模式。城市中心区内建设用地集中分布、城市功能混合配置的紧凑发展模式符合空间形态受限型城市需求。近似圆形的城市形态和海陆隔离的特征让厦门岛成为典型的空间形态受限型城市,为城市紧凑发展理论在空间形态受限型城市扩张中的适用性研究提供了天然场地。选取厦门岛南北向的厦禾路—嘉禾路和东西向的湖滨北路—吕岭路两条城市发展轴作为样带,从南到北、从西到东分别划分10个样方,采用class水平的CA和PLAND指数分析旧城区及城市扩张方向上的景观格局特征,以空间饱和度和功能单一度表征城市发展紧凑程度。结果显示65%的样方空间饱和度较高,但城市功能主要单一化,大部分样方以居住功能为主,公共服务功能和商业服务功能比例较小甚至缺失;在城市向北、向东的扩张过程中,厦门岛建成区的城市用地利用强度降低,空间饱和度下降,城市功能虽有所增加和转变的趋势,但综合配置水平较低,厦门岛还未形成紧凑发展。最后提出厦门岛向紧凑城市发展的6条建议。 The lack of land resource prompts space-limited city to change existing urban development mode. The cases of Hong Kong and Singapore show that the compact development mode,which requires construction land concentrated distribution and urban functions comprehensive allocation in urban center,meets the demand of space-limited city. The isolated and circle urban form of Xiamen Island makes Xiamen a typical space-limited city. So Xiamen Island is an ideal object for the study of urban compact development theory in the expansion of space-limited city. The urban landscape has obvious northern and eastern expansion trend in Xiamen Island. This paper chooses Xiahe-Jiahe Road as north-southern axes,and Hubinbei-Lüling Road as west-eastern axes. From south to north and from west to east,the two belt transects are divided into 10 quadrats,respectively. We select CA and PLAND landscape metrics in class level to analyze the landscape pattern feature of old town and vertical and horizontal development axes in Xiamen Island. We quantify space saturation by the urban construction area to available area ratio and urban function simplification by the max value of subtraction results of every urban function's PLAND value and six urban function's PLAND mean value in each quadrat. The more compact the quadrat is,the bigger the space saturation is and the smaller the urban function simplification is. The results show that:( 1) Only 20% quadrats meet the requirements of compact city theory and the quadrats are far away from each other. Thatis to say,Xiamen Island has not yet formed in true compact city central district.( 2) The urban functions are balanced for the quadrats at the northern and eastern end of Xiamen Island. The urban construction level is low and has potential for growth.( 3) Although 65% quadrats have relative high space saturation,the urban function is still simple. Most quadrats are dominated by residence. The proportion of public service function and business service function are very small or even zero.( 4) In the progress of the urbanization landscape expansions to the north and to the east,the strength of land use decreases,urban function comprehensiveness is low although there is a trend of increase and change of urban function in the major built-up area of Xiamen Island. In a word,the development level of Xiamen Island is far from the requirements of compact development theory. At last,we put forward six recommendations about compact construction and renewal development of Xiamen Island and point out the emphasis in future research.
出处 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第12期3158-3168,共11页 Acta Ecologica Sinica
基金 厦门市科技计划项目(3502Z20122001) 国家自然科学基金项目(30800148,41101143)
关键词 空间形态受限型城市 紧凑发展 空间饱和度 功能单一度 space-limited city compact development space saturation urban function simplification
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