
中国森林认证产销监管链标准与《欧盟木材法》关于合法性的比较分析 被引量:2

Comparative Analysis on Legality Between CFCC Chain of Custody Certification Standard and European Union Timber Regulation
摘要 2010年颁布的《欧盟木材法》要求所有进入欧盟市场的木材产品都必须具有合法性,而我国则在2012年出台了关于森林认证的2个国家标准——《GB/T 28951-2012中国森林认证森林经营》和《GB/T 28952-2012中国森林认证产销监管链》。文中通过对《欧盟木材法》和中国森林认证产销监管链标准关于木材合法性的比较分析提出,开展产销监管链认证或尽职调查是应对《欧盟木材法》的一种现实选择,但林产品外贸企业应以《欧盟木材法》实施为契机,进一步加强对林产品供应链的监管以确保木材来源的合法性,提升经营管理水平。 The Europe Union issued the Timber Regulation in 2010,requiring all timber products entering EU market should come from legal sources. In 2012,China released two national standards on forest certification,namely the Forest Management Certification Standard and the Chain of Custody( CoC)Certification Standard. The paper compared and analyzed the requirements of EU Timber Regulation and China's CoC Certification Standard on legality,and proposed that to achieving the CoC certification or building the Due Diligence System is a realistic option to respond to requirements of the EU Timber Regulation. Export-orientation of forest product producing or processing enterprises should take this opportunity to further strengthen the control of forest products supply chain,ensure the legality of timber sources and enhance the management level.
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期92-96,共5页 World Forestry Research
基金 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金项目国际森林问题发展态势和中国政府谈判对案研究(CAFYBB2012012)
关键词 产销监管链认证 中国森林认证体系 欧盟木材法 Chain of Custody certification China forest certification scheme European Union Timber Regulation
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