New lines of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) was obtained by introducing the DNA of sorghum (Sorghum vulgare Pers.) into wheat cultivar 'Longchun 13'. The changes of respiratory pathway, contents of protein, Na+ and K+ in the leaves and roots of the new lines of wheat under salt stress were determined and compared with the control cultivar, 'Longchun 13'. The decrease of the content of K+ was observed with the increase of NaCl concentrations, but the decrease was more in the control than that in the new lines, and more in roots than in leaves. Content of proline and Na+ in both two wheats lines increased greatly, but the former increased more significantly in the new lines and the latter more significantly in control both in leaves and roots. The operation of the cyanide-resistant pathway of respiration was enhanced at different degrees after salt stress and it increased much more in roots and leaves of the control plant than that in the new lines, but the cytochrome pathway of electron transport was still the main one consistently. The possible significance of these changes was discussed.
测定了将高粱 (SorghumvulgarePers .)DNA导入小麦 (TriticumaestivumL .)“陇春 13号”后得到的耐盐新品系根和叶中不同盐浓度胁迫条件下呼吸途径、脯氨酸、Na+ 和K+ 含量的变化 ,并以“陇春 13号”作为对照进行比较。结果表明 :K+ 含量均随盐浓度的提高而不断下降 ,但新品系与对照相比 ,叶的下降速率明显低于根 ;脯氨酸和Na+的含量则均呈持续上升趋势 ,且对照叶和根中脯氨酸增加幅度不及新品系 ,但其叶和根中Na+ 积累显著地高于新品系 ;抗氰呼吸实际运行均不同程度地加强了 ,但对照的叶和根的运行程度分别强于新品系 。
甘肃省科委 97重点农业科技攻关资助项目 (GK971_2_2 2A_1)&&