
基于智能卡的多服务器环境下的远端认证协议 被引量:2

Remote authentication protocol for multi-servers based on smart card
摘要 多服务器环境下的远端认证协议需要实现用户只需要一次注册即可与多个服务器实现交互的目标。基于椭圆曲线密码学提出一个注册中心离线的多服务器环境下的远端认证协议。该协议中的注册中心无须维护口令列表,不参与认证过程。用户使用动态身份信息,其他服务器认可接入服务器的认证结果,仍能实现服务器之间的身份区分。协议无须公钥加密等复杂运算,能够实现正确的认证、会话密钥的安全属性并能抵抗伪造攻击、重放攻击、中间人攻击和服务器模仿攻击等攻击。 Remote authentication protocol for multi-servers aimed at realizing authentication with multi-server respectively by registering with register only once. This paper proposed a remote authentication protocol for multi-servers based on elliptic curve cryptography. In the protocol,it was no need for RC to maintain the password table and take part in the authentication phase. The identity of users were dynamically changed,which protected the privacy of the users. Different servers could be distinguished,and they all acceped the authentication result. The protocol not only realizes authentication without public key encryption,but also resists impersonation attack,replay attack,man in the middle attack and other attacks.
作者 张青
出处 《计算机应用研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期2109-2111,2115,共4页 Application Research of Computers
基金 陕西省科技厅自然科学基础研究计划项目(2010JM2016)
关键词 认证 多服务器 智能卡 动态身份 authentication multi-server smart card dynamic identity
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