

Study on shared aperture antennas technology
摘要 提出了一种新的天线孔径共用的方法。在低频单圆锥天线的辐射非敏感区上加载高频段微带天线阵,可以将两个不同频段和极化的天线集成为一个天线孔径,该天线的体积质量与原低频段天线相当,天线的两个馈电端口集成在原单圆锥天线的地板上。利用电磁仿真软件HFSS分析了该共用孔径天线的性能,在双频段0.7~1.3 GHz和4.1~4.2 GHz内反射系数均小于–10 dB,两个端口之间的隔离度大于31 dB,辐射方向图低频段为全向,高频段为定向,4.15 GHz增益达到11 dBi,仿真结果验证了该孔径共用方法的可行性。 A new method of shared antennas aperture was presented. In the weak radiation area of low-frequency single-cone antenna integrated high-frequency microstrip antenna array, two antennas with different frequency bands and polarizations could share an antenna aperture. The volume and weight of proposed antenna are same as the original low-frequency mono-cone antenna. Two feeding ports of the antenna were integrated on the ground of the original mono-cone antenna. Meanwhile, using software HFSS analyzed the antenna. The results show that the return loss is less than –10 dB in frequency bands 0.7–1.3 GHz and 4.1–4.2 GHz, the isolation between two ports is more than 31 dB, the antenna radiation pattern is omni directional in 0.7–1.3 GHz and directive in 4.1–4.2 GHz(gain is 11 dBi at 4.15 GHz), the simulation results verify the feasibility of the shared aperture method.
作者 孙凤林
出处 《电子元件与材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期48-51,共4页 Electronic Components And Materials
关键词 天线 共用孔径 双频段 双极化 宽带 全向 antenna shared aperture dual band dual polarization broadband omni directional
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