
转化生长因子B3基因与腭融合 被引量:2

Transforming growth factor B3 in the development of palate
摘要 在腭发生过程中,腭突上皮(MEE)形成腭中缝(MES),而后MES裂解消失完成腭部融合,其中转化生长因子(TGF)B3在MES裂解过程中是不可缺少的。TGFB3调控MEE细胞发生上皮—间质转化(EMT)是目前MES裂解机制研究的热点。TGFB3蛋白通过激活磷酸化的Smad2与Smad4复合体和磷脂酰肌醇-3-激酶(PI3K)信号转导通路,需要淋巴细胞样增强因子1和扭曲蛋白等多种信号转录因子及其他信号的协调配合调控腭部EMT过程。本文重点对TGFB3基因在MES裂解过程中的作用、其介导的信号通路及相关研究进展等作一综述。 During palatal fusion, the epithelium that covers the tip of opposing palatal shelves adheres, intercalates and thins into a single-layer medial edge seam(MES). The disintegration of the MES results in the confl uence of the palatal mesenchyme. Transforming growth factor(TGF)B3 is essential for palate development, especially in the late phase of palatogenesis, in which the palatal MES disintegrates and mesenchymal confluence occurs. Regulation of medial-edge epithelium(MEE) cell completion of the epithelial—mesenchymal transition(EMT) by TGFB3 has become the primary concern of the fate of MEE cells. TGFB3 activates the transcription complexes of Smad2, Smad4, phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase, Lef1, Twist, and other transcription factors to regulate the palatal EMT program. The function of TGFB3 gene in the MES disintegration process, associated mediated signal transduction pathways, and related research progress are summarized in this paper.
作者 李丽 郑谦
出处 《国际口腔医学杂志》 CAS 2014年第4期440-443,共4页 International Journal of Stomatology
基金 国家自然科学基金(81070498)
关键词 转化生长因子 腭中缝 上皮—间质转化 信号转导通路 transforming growth factor medial edge seam epithelial—mesenchymal transition signal transduction pathway
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