针对设计研制的512×512 CMOS APS图像传感器,采用聚焦脉冲激光束研究了其空间单粒子效应特性。试验结果表明,CMOS APS器件图像传感器存在单粒子翻转(SEU)和单粒子锁定(SEL)现象。验证了CMOS APS图像传感器抗单粒子锁定设计的有效性。当对图像传感器移位寄存器区进行照射时,同时发生单粒子翻转和单粒子锁定,器件其它区域也有类似现象。分析了器件单粒子效应的敏感性,获得了器件发生单粒子翻转和锁定的脉冲激光能量阈值及器件锁定电流大小。
The single event effects of 512 × 512 CMOS active pixel image sensors fabricated by Key Laboratory of Infrared-materials and Devices has been study experimentally by using pulsed laser beams. The single event upsets( SEU) and single event latchup( SEL) has been observed when CMOS active pixel image sensors exposure to pulsed laser beam. The validity of measures on chip against to SEL has been verified. At the cases of shift register area where exposure to pulsed laser beam,the SEU and SEL has been observed simultaneously. The same phenomenon has been also observed in the other areas on chip. The characteristic of single event effects on CMOS active pixel sensor has been analyzed. The critical energy of pulsed laser beam inducing SEU and SEL has been gained and the current value of SEL has been measured experimentally.
Vacuum and Cryogenics