目的应用分子生物学技术构建Rac1基因真核表达质粒及小分子RNA(siRNA)干扰片段,通过调控其表达,研究Rac1蛋白对结肠癌细胞生物学功能的影响。方法从结肠癌细胞中扩增Rac1基因,构建pCDNA3.1(+)-Rac1和pEGFP-Rac1真核表达质粒实现过表达Rac1基因;通过小分子RNA干扰抑制Rac1基因表达。利用侵袭实验、划痕实验研究Rac1基因对结肠癌细胞侵袭和迁移能力的改变;通过Pull-Down实验,研究调控Rac1表达对癌细胞中GTPase活性的影响。结果成功构建Rac1基因真核表达质粒。通过调控Rac1蛋白的表达证实其与结肠癌细胞中Rac1GTPase的活化程度,以及肿瘤细胞的迁移和侵袭能力呈正性关联。结论通过抑制Rac1的表达,可以有效阻止Rac1 GTPase的激活,从而抑制肿瘤细胞的迁移及侵袭,为抑制结肠癌进展提供新的干预靶点,也为进一步免疫生物过继治疗提供了必要的实验基础。
Objective To reveal the role of Rac1 gene regulating colon cancer cell invasion and migration. Methods Rac1 gene was amplified from colon cancer cells, and then constructed to pCDNA3.1(+)-Rac1 and pEGFP-Rac1 eukaryotic expression plasmid for overexpressed Rac1 protein. Meanwhile, siRNA was used to inhibit Rac1 gene expression. After transfecting Rac1-plasmid or siRNA into cells, Matrigel invasion, wound healing and Pull-down assays were performed to investigate the alteration of invasion, migration and Rac1 GTPase activity in colon cancer cells, respectively. Results A eukaryotic expression plasmid containing Rac1 gene was successfully constructed. Up or down-regulation of Rac1 expression could stimulate or block GTPase activation, and Rac1 gene had the ability to modulate the migration and invasion of colon cancer cells. Conclusions Our study provides a potential target that gene Rac1 plays the synergistic role with conventional therapy in colon cancer by suppressing Rac1 expression.
Chinese Archives of General Surgery(Electronic Edition)