
主动配电网中云计算资源的优化配置模型 被引量:24

Optimization Model for Resources Allocation of Cloud Computations in Active Distribution Networks
摘要 主动配电网允许高渗透率的分布式电源、电动汽车、智能家居等可控元件,以及智能电表、同步测量单元等监测元件的接入。这些元件的大量接入,使得主动配电网对信息存储、计算等信息与计算(information&computation technology,ICT)资源的需求与日俱增。云计算作为一种新的ICT资源的商业化提供模式,在技术和经济两方面较传统的ICT资源配置方案更具优势。文章具体研究了云计算提供商的定价策略,并基于云计算的商业模式,针对主动配电网中不同电力系统应用对ICT资源的需求特性进行应用分类。基于以上分类与定价策略,提出主动配电网中云计算资源的优化配置模型。通过算例展示了云计算的商业模式在降低主动配电网ICT投资成本,实现计算资源互补方面的潜在应用效果。 With high penetration of controllable equipments and monitoring devices, such as distributed generations, electric vehicles, smart meters and phasor measurement units(PMU), the requirements of active distribution networks for information and computation technology(ICT) resources are growing rapidly. As a novel mode to supply ICT resources, cloud computing has many advantages over traditional ICT resources allocation schemes. This paper investigated the pricing mechanisms of cloud resources providers, and classified distribution network applications by considering the characteristics of the way in which those applications occupy the ICT resources. Based on the pricing strategy and classification, an optimization model for resources allocation of cloud computations in active distribution networks was proposed. At last, a case was analyzed to demonstrate the potential ability of cloud computing to reduce the investment of ICT resources and achieve computation resources complementarity in active distribution networks.
出处 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第19期3043-3049,共7页 Proceedings of the CSEE
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划项目(863计划)(2014AA051901) 国家自然科学基金项目(51207077 51261130472)~~
关键词 主动配电网 云计算 智能电网 分阶段优化 active distribution networks cloud computing smart gird hierarchy optimization
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