以聚苯乙烯为载体 ,先将其氯甲基化 ,再利用傅 克反应进行接枝 ,合成了高聚物接枝邻苯二酚 聚苯乙烯树脂 .对合成产物氯含量进行了测定及红外光谱分析 ;测定了树脂的弱酸交换量 ;此外 ,将树脂装入离子交换色谱柱 ,用动态吸附法考察了树脂对Rb+的交换性能 .结果表明 :树脂的弱酸交换量为 2 .2 5mmol/g,适应于pH值为 6~ 13的含Rb+样品的分离 ;当样品中Rb+的浓度为 0 .0 2~ 0 .1mol/L时 ,吸附率大于 90 % ,K1>K2 >K3,且Na+,K+的浓度与Rb+的浓度越接近 ,树脂对Rb+交换选择性越好 ;树脂对铝酸钠溶液中Rb+的吸附率为 78.6 2 % ,吸附后离子的洗脱效率大于 95 % ;将再生后的树脂用于样品吸附 ,重复使用 2 0次 。
A new type of ion-exchange resin named graft-p-tert-butylphenol resin was synthesized based on the Friedel-Crafts reaction. The structures of obtained products were determined by IR spectroscopy and chlorine content determination. The weak acid exchange capacity of the resin was measured and the adsorbtion slecting coefficient between Na+ and Rb+ (K_1), between K+ and Rb+ (K_2) and between Na+ and K+ (K_3) in alkali solutions were investigated. The results show that the producing ratio of the reaction is 86%, and the weak acid capacity of the resin is 2.25 mmol/g. Relationship of K_1, K_2 and K_3 (K_1>K_2>K_3) indicates that the resin has a high adsorbtion selectivity to Rb+. The resin can be used in the separation of rubidium out of the sodium aluminate solutions from aluminium plant and the adsorbtion ratio of Rb+ is 78.62%, the ions can be easily washed out from the resin by 1 mol/L HCl, the eluting rate is 95%. And after recycled, the resin can be used for more than 20 times with good separation effect.
Journal of Central South University of Technology(Natural Science)