
超声心动图在婴儿完全性大动脉转位中的应用 被引量:1

Application of echocardiography in complete great artery transposition of infants
摘要 目的探讨超声心动图对婴儿完全性大动脉转位的应用价值。方法对照分析53例完全性大动脉转位婴儿的超声心动图表现与手术结果。结果完全性大动脉转位室间隔完整型29例,完全性大动脉转位合并室间隔缺损22例,大动脉转位合并室间隔缺损和左室流出道梗阻2例,漏诊2例冠状动脉畸形。结论超声心动图可以确诊婴儿完全性大动脉转位及其分型,为临床提供有价值信息,对婴儿进行及时的大动脉转位手术及术后随访有重要的临床价值。 [ Objective ] To evaluate the diagnosis value of echocardiography in infants with complete transposition of the great artery. [ Methods ] Echoeardiographic characteristics and surgical results of 53 cases with complete transposition of the great artery were cross-check analysised. [ Results ] Complete transposition of the great artery in complete ventricular septum occurred in 29 cases.Complete transposition of the great artery with ventricular septal defects occurred in 22 cases. [ Conclusion ] Complete transposition of the great artery could be accurately diagnosed with precision by echocardiography.
出处 《中国妇幼卫生杂志》 2014年第3期57-58,共2页 Chinese Journal of Women and Children Health
基金 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目(14A320025)
关键词 超声心动图 婴儿 完全性大动脉转位 echocardiography infant complete transposition of the great artery
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