
江西省关于预包装食品国家标准的跟踪评价报告 被引量:5

Tracking assessment and countermeasures of implementation for The National Standard of Prepackaged Food in Jiangxi province
摘要 目的了解江西省监督部门、检验机构、食品生产企业、食品专家对强制性食品安全国家标准《预包装食品标签通则》(GB7718—2011)和《预包装食品营养标签通则》(GB28050-2011)的执行、理解能力和依从性,为将来修订标准储备资料。方法采用横断面调查法,于2013年7~9月间,通过调查员培训、邮寄、电子邮件、现场发放问卷及现场采样等形式展开调查。调查点采用多阶段分层随机抽样的方法抽取江西省6个设区市(南昌、宜春、吉安、上饶、九江、赣州)及其所属的2个县,调查对象为18个调查点的所有食品监督部门、检验机构、食品生产企业。调查内容有:基本情况、对标准条款的理解和执行情况及遇到的主要问题、修改意见和建议。现场调查结果显示:94.6%的预包装食品标签符合GB7718的要求,78.2%符合GB28050的要求。结论跟踪评价结果表明:标准的整体合理性较高、可操作性较好,但部分条款应根据跟踪评价的结果及时更新和修订。 Objective To investigate the compliance, executive and understanding abilities for obligatory nation- al food safety standard 〈〈 General Principles of Prepackaged Food Label〉〉(GB7718-2011) and 〈〈General Principles of Prepackaged Food Nutrition Label〉〉(GB28050-2011) among food experts and staff from food inspection departments, detection institutions, food production enterprises, and to get more information for revision of the standard in the future. Methods An across-sectional survey was conducted through investigators' training, mail, email, questionnaires and field sampling between July and September 2013.The respondents included all of food inspection departments, detection institutions and food production enterprises from 18 survey spots selected by a multi-stage stratified random sampling way in 6 cities ( Nanehang,Yiehun,Jian,Shangrao,Jiujiang,Ganzhou)and 2 counties belonged to the cities above, and the items of the survey consisted of basic situation, general understanding on standard, executive condition, main problems and suggestions. Results of field survey showed that 94.6% of prepackaged food label users meet the standard GB7718, 78.2% in accordance with the requirements of GB28050.Conclusion Traeking assessment showed that on the one hand the standard was generally more reasonable and operable by contrast ,on other hand some items should be updated and revised according to the assessment.
出处 《中国卫生监督杂志》 2014年第3期226-231,共6页 Chinese Journal of Health Inspection
基金 江西省卫计委2012年中央补助地方第二批重大公共卫生项目资金 食品安全保障经费
关键词 预包装食品标签通则 预包装食品营养标签通则 跟踪评价 问卷调查 现场调查 General Principles of Prepackaged Food Label General Principles of Prepackaged Food Nutrition Label Tracking Assessment Questionnaire Field Survey
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