目的:评估在全身麻醉下人工液胸辅助高强度聚焦超声(high-intensity focused ultrasound,HIFU)治疗儿童肝母细胞瘤的有效性及安全性。方法:回顾性分析在全身麻醉气管插管下,18例肝母细胞瘤患儿,在其右侧胸腔注入200~300 ml生理盐水建立人工液胸。分别于气管插管后5 min(T0)、人工液胸建立后10 min(T1)、HIFU治疗30 min(T2)、1 h(T3)、2 h(T4)及治疗结束时(T5)记录有创血压(invasive arterial pressure,IABP)、心率(heart rate,HR)、气道峰压(peak airway pressure,Ppeak)、胸肺顺应性(compliance of lung,Cmpl)、呼末二氧化碳(end-tidal carbon dioxide partial press,PETCO2)、血氧饱和度(oxygen saturation,SpO2);并在以上各时点及HIFU治疗后24 h(T6)作动脉血气分析。HIFU治疗后第1天及第7天行胸部X线摄片,观察双肺和胸水转归,治疗前后行彩超及增强MRI对比治疗效果。结果:在HIFU治疗过程中,患儿各血流动力学指标均保持稳定。Ppeak在建立人工液胸后较建立人工液胸前明显升高(P〈0.05),且持续维持在一个较高水平。Cmpl在建立人工液胸后较建立人工液胸前降低(P〈0.05)。PETCO2在HIFU治疗30 min以后较注入胸水前明显升高(P〈0.05);动脉血气分析中PO2及PCO2均较建立人工液胸前增高(P〈0.05),但pH在各个时间点差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),且以上呼吸参数改变均在临床安全范围内。胸片提示所有患儿胸水在术后7 d内全部吸收,且均未出现气胸、血胸等严重并发症。术后影像学检查(MRI或者增强CT)提示所有患儿病灶均达到预定消融效果。结论:全身麻醉下建立人工液胸辅助HIFU治疗儿童肝母细胞瘤是有效、安全的。
Objective:To evaluate the availability and security of high-intensity focused ultrasound(HIFU)in the treatment of child hepatoblastoma with the aid of artificial hydrothorax. Methods:Fourteen children(18 lesions)with hepatoblastoma received general anesthesia using trachea cannula. 200-300 ml saline was injected into the right thoracic cavity to turn artificial pleural fluid. Mean invasive arterial pressure(IABP),heart rate(HR),peak airway pressure(Ppeak),compliance of lung(Cmpl),end-tidal carbon dioxide partial press(PETCO2)and oxygen saturation(SpO2)were observed and recorded separately at 5 min after intubation(T0),10 min after establishment of artificial hydrothorax(T1),30 min after HIFU treatment(T2),1 h after HIFU treatment(T3),2 h after HIFU treatment(T4)and at the end of HIFU treatment(T5). Blood gad analysis was made at T0-T5and 24 h after HIFU treatment(T6). On the 1st d and the 7th d after HIFU treatment,chest X-ray was made to evaluate the hydrothorax and lungs. Before and after HIFU treatment MRI was made to evaluate the availability. Results:During HIFU treatment,all children were steady in various indicators of haemodynamics. Ppeak was increased significantly after the establishment of artificial hydrothorax compared with that of T0(P<0.05)and was maintained at the high level;Cmpl was decreased significantly after the establishment of artificial hydrothorax compared with that of T0(P<0.05). PETCO2was increased significantly after T2(P< 0.05);PO2and PCO2were both increased significantly after T1(P<0.05). But pH values were not change significantly(P> 0.05)and the fluctuations of the respiratory parameters above were all within the safety margin. X-ray showed that artificialhydrothorax was absorbed within 7 d after HIFU treatment. Severe complications like pneumothorax or haemothorax were not observed. Postoperative imaging studies(MRI or enhanced CT)prompted all children with lesions reach a predetermined radio frequency ablation effect. Conclusion:HIFU is effective and safe in the treatment of child hepatoblastoma with the aid of artificial hydrothorax.
Journal of Chongqing Medical University
high-intensity focused ultrasound
artificial hydrothorax