There is almost no organelle in human red blood cell(RBC). Hemoglobin approximately accounts for 98% of the RBC protein,serving as the main transport medium of air. The accumulated data indicatd that,RBC not only engaged in air exchange,but also produced molecular signaling as a side job in the circulation of blood. A recent study showed that proteasome and its subunits exist in mature RBC,which is involved in the formation of hemorphins. Different types of hemorphins are derived from the degradation of hemoglobin in RBC,which have a systemic physiological and pathophysiological influences when they travel through the body via the bloodstream. In this paper,we reviewed the secretory function of red blood cells,the main products and their function,and their clinical applications,hoping to open up a newdirection for the clinical treatment of pain in the future.
Journal of Shandong University:Health Sciences