古往今来的历史与现实证明 ,筑路是保障一个国家政治稳定、经济发展的重要手段。本文从历史的角度回顾了东西方文明对于筑路的重视 ,重点分析了罗马在向外扩张中推行的筑路政策 ,认为到帝国时期建立起的当时比较庞大、完备的道路信息系统 ,为其长时期地统治地中海世界提供了根本保障。
The Chinese and foreign history and the present reality have proved that road construction plays an important role in ensuring political stability and economic development of any country.The paper,after reviewing from te historical angle the attention paid by both the Eastern and Western Civilizations,specially analyses the road construction policy carried out by Rome in its territorial expansion,and holds that the fairly huge and complete road and information system built up during the period of the Roman Empire provided the basic guarantee for its long-time rule over the Mediterranean world.
Journal of Changshu College