

Post-Conflict Police Reform and Public Security Governance: from the Perspective of UN Peacekeeping Operations
摘要 武装冲突刚刚结束后的国家容易出现安全缺口,普通民众依然面临着诸多安全威胁,主要有前战斗人员和缺乏管控的武器、不断上升的犯罪率、与选举相关的暴力及针对妇女儿童的犯罪等。此时,国家尚缺乏有效的国内治安治理机制和能力,警察机构亟须改革乃至重建。当今联合国维和行动越来越注重协助冲突后国家警察部门的改革与能力建设。改革应力求标本兼治,既缓解冲突后民众安全需求的燃眉之急,又注重警察部门中、长期的机构建设和发展。改革应以民众的安全为首要目标,重点是警察民主警务观念及技能的培养、组织架构及管理机制的建立,尤其是内部监督机制的建立与有效执行。此外,还应注意本土化问题。改革在实施过程中存在诸多挑战,如当地警力资源的匮乏、警察的公共形象差、民众的弱势地位、国际援助部门之间缺乏协调等。该文亦对增强冲突后国家警察队伍能力建设及民众保护问题提出了若干建议。 In post-conflict countries, there often exists a security gap. Civilians are facing many security threats, which include, but are not limited to, former combatants and loosely controlled weapons, the rising number of crimes, election-related violence, and crimes against women and children. However, the national law-enforcement agencies lack capabilities of maintaining public order and security, which requires immediate reform and rebuilding. The multi-dimensional UN peacekeeping operations are more and more frequently mandated to help reform and rebuild the host country police. The peacekeepers should not only address the urgent needs of public security, but also give special attention to the cultivation of democratic police attitude and skills, and help establish effective management and accountability mechanism in the local police service. Local ownership is also to be taken into account. The police reform process will face many challenges, such as poor quantity and quality of the human resources of national police, bad public image of the local police, the vulnerability of the public, and the lack of coordination mechanism and institutional memory among and within the various international agencies. The paper also suggests some measures to balance the long-term capacity building of national police with the urgent security needs of the public.
作者 张逸潇
出处 《国际安全研究》 2014年第3期92-108,共17页 Journal of International Security Studies
关键词 冲突后国家 警察部门改革 安全治理 联合国维和行动 post-conflict countries,police reform,public security governance,UN peacekeeping operations
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