

Negation and Focus:Syntactical(Ir) relevance and Explanations
摘要 作为具有语用性质的焦点由接口语用语音条件触发,并不是在计算系统中自动生成和指派的,而否定却是句法操作的一部分,在句法运算中二者并无直接的关联属性。鉴于最优句法推导要求计算系统生成的表达式最大程度满足接口条件的需求,因而拼读前后的表达式具有一对一的模式,而焦点的确认受接口条件语用语音因素的制约可能导致一对多模式的出现,因而需要重新考察计算系统的生成模式。 Based on corpus analysis,this article contrasts the use of authorial references and their distributions in different sections of Chinese and English academic discourses. The results show that the frequency of first person plural pronouns is the highest among all authorial references and that the author intervenes into different sections of papers in both languages,among which the research method and result section are intervened the most. While the overall frequency of authorial references and the frequency of high- stake first person pronouns,especially singular subject pronouns and possessive pronouns,are significantly lower in Chinese discourses than in English ones,the frequency of low- stake third person self- mentions and abstract entity references is significantly higher in Chinese than in English ones. These similarities and distinctions are then from the perspective of language,culture and academic conventions.
作者 姜兆梓 谢楠
出处 《外国语言文学》 2014年第2期73-80,144,共8页 Foreign Language and Literature Studies
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目(10YJA740102) 中国社会科学院哲学社会科学创新工程项目"语音与言语科学重点实验室" 河南省哲学社会科学项目(批准号2013CYY021)资助
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