
表观遗传调控骨骼肌发育的研究进展(英文) 被引量:3

Control of Skeletal Muscle Myogenesis by Epigenetic Regulations
摘要 动物骨骼肌约占体重的50%左右,因此被认为是机体最大的器官。骨骼肌的发育是一个严格调控的过程。在胚胎发育早期,一部分具有肌肉发育潜能的干细胞在一系列不同基因的精确调控下激活、增殖,经融合后形成有功能的骨骼肌。骨骼肌细胞的增殖、分化等过程是诸多转录因子协同作用的结果,这些因子包括Pax3/Pax7、MyoD、Myf5、Myogenin和MRF4等。表观遗传是指不改变DNA序列的情况下对目的基因表达的调控。近年来的研究表明动物骨骼肌的发育也受到了表观遗产的调控。综述了当前关于表观遗传,包括DNA、组蛋白以及miRNA等水平对骨骼肌发育调控的最新研究进展。 Skeletal muscles compose about 50% of the body's masses and consider as the largest organ in the body.Skeletal muscle myogenesis is a highly controlled process.During myogenesis,quiescent muscle stem cells are activated and proliferated response to environmental stress,and then differentiated muscle fiber.The specification,proliferation and termination of skeletal muscle cell are coordinated by expression of different transcriptional factors,including Pax3 /Pax7,MyoD,Myf5,Myogenin and MRF4,etc..Epigenetics can be defined as heritable changes in gene function that occur without primary DNA sequence modification.More and more studies indicated that epigenetic modifications of transcriptional factors control a set of genes expression,which further define myogenesis.This review summarized the mechanism of the"epigenetic network",including histone tails modification,DNA methylation and miRNA in regulating myogenesis.
出处 《中国农业科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期42-47,共6页 Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology
基金 Innovation Funding of Shanxi Agricultural University(20132-01)supported
关键词 骨骼肌 肌肉发生 表观遗传 转录调控 skeletal muscle myogenesis epigenetic transcriptional regulation
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