
循期阴阳序贯疗法治疗卵巢早衰患者性功能障碍的临床研究 被引量:7

Yin and yang sequential therapy in the treatment of sexual dysfunction in patients with premature ovarian failure
摘要 目的:探讨循期阴阳序贯疗法治疗卵巢早衰患者性功能障碍的临床效果,以期提高临床治疗水平。方法:随机选取2010年4月至2013年4月150例卵巢早衰患者为研究对象,分为中药组、西药组和循期阴阳序贯疗法治疗组(观察组),西药组采用雌激素治疗,中药组采用补肾药物治疗,观察组则采用循期阴阳序贯疗法治疗,比较三组治疗后临床效果和性功能障碍上的差异性。结果:中药组治愈率为16%,总有效率为62%,西药组治愈率为12%,总有效率为44%,观察组治愈率为38%,总有效率为80%。以上情况观察组和其他两组比较有显著差异性(P<0.05)。另外观察组治疗后在性功能障碍各项指数和血清性激素水平FSH、E2上较其他两组有显著差异性(P<0.05)。结论:循期阴阳序贯疗法可纠正紊乱的生殖内分泌轴和恢复部分卵巢功能,能改善卵巢早衰患者性功能。 Objectives:To investigate clinical effects of yin and yang sequential therapy on sexual dysfunc-tion in patients with premature ovarian failure,to improve the level of clinical treatment.Methods:150 patients with premature ovarian failure in our hospital from April 2010 to April 2013 were randomly selected and divided into three groups,namely Chinese medicine group,western medicine group and yin and yang sequential therapy group (observation group).Estrogen therapy,kidney medication and yin and yang sequential therapy were adopted for the three groups respectively,and the clinical effect and sexual dysfunction of the three groups were compared after treatment.Results:The cure rate and total effective rate of Chinese medicine group was 16% and 62%;cure rate and total effective rate of western medicine group was 12%and 44%;the cure rate and total effective rate of obser-vation group was 38%and 80%,with significant difference (P〈0.05)between the observation group and the oth-er two groups.In addition,the difference in various indexes of sexual dysfunction and serum levels of sex hormones FSH,E2 was also significant between observation group and the other two groups (P〈0.05 ).Conclusion:Yin and yang sequential therapy can correct disorders of reproductive endocrine axis,restore some ovarian function and improve sexual function in patients with premature ovarian failure.
作者 岑苏 肖利平
出处 《中国性科学》 2014年第6期72-74,共3页 Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality
关键词 循期阴阳序贯疗法 卵巢早衰 性功能障碍 Yin and yang sequential therapy Premature ovarian failure Sexual dysfunction
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