
污泥中铜、锌元素有效态和形态受酸碱度影响的研究 被引量:3

Experiment Research on the Relationship of Availability and Fraction Transformation of Copper and Zinc with pH
摘要 为研究污泥中重金属的迁移性,采用室内试验研究了酸碱度对污泥中铜、锌有效态和形态的影响。试验结果表明:低pH值可以促进重金属铜、锌的释放,高pH值促进重金属铜、锌的沉淀。重金属铜在污泥溶液中主要以氧化态和残渣态为主,稳定性强,迁移性和生物活性较弱,重金属锌在污泥溶液中酸溶态/交换态和还原态含量较高,其迁移性和生物活性较强,随着溶液pH值的升高,重金属铜、锌逐渐向氧化态和残渣态转化,稳定性增强,迁移性和生物活性有所降低。 To make clear that the mobility of heavy metal in the sludge, the relationship of availability and fraction transformation of copper and zinc with pH has been researched. The experiment results show that low value of pH can help to the release of copper and zinc, but high value of pH has the the opposite influence, The residual fraction and oxidizable fraction are the main ones of copper in sludge solutions, while the main fractions of zinc is acid soluble/exchangeable fraction and reducible fraction. According to the fractions of copper and zinc, the mobility and bioavailabilty of copper can keep stable, but the characters of zinc are active. The conclusion has been drawed out from the experiment results that the fractions of copper and zinc have been transferred to oxidizable and residual ones with pH level increased.
出处 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2014年第18期305-309,共5页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(51178107 51378327) 住建部项目(2013-k4-51)资助
关键词 环境工程 污泥 有效态 形态 environment engineering sludge copper zinc fraction transformation mobilityheavy metals
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