
Short-interval Land Use Change Detection with Microwave Remote Sensing Data

摘要 As the fast economic development and urban expansion, it is dififcult for traditional methods to monitor land use changes in short time interval. Moreover, remotely sensed data acquired by optical sensors is often limited by bad weathers and cloud cover. SAR images, such as RADARSAT-1, are an ideal tool for weather-proof observation on ground surface. This paper analyzed the results of land use change detections with time lags of 24, 48 and 72 days according to the period of acquisition dates of RADARSAT-1. The results need a compromise between accuracies and efifciencies related to the time lags. For most of the situation, it is sufifcient of using a time lag of 24 days to obtain accuracy of 60%or above. In some cases of months, a time lag of 48 days is needed. For obtaining higher accuracies, longer time lag such as 72 days is needed. 随着经济的快速发展和城市的扩张,现在很难再以传统方法检测短时间间隔内的土地利用变化。同时,由于受到恶劣天气以及云层覆盖的影响,光学遥感影像的获取也受到限制。SAR影像,例如RADARSAT-1,是全天候观测地面目标的理想工具。根据RADARSAT-1卫星的过境时间,本文分别采用24、48和72天为时间间隔的RADARSAT-1数据进行土地利用变化检测并进行分析。根据这三个时间间隔,检测结果只能在精度和效率之间进行折中。大部分情况下,采用24天作为时间间隔已经足以得到60%以上的检测精度。如果要得到更高的检测精度,则需要更长的时间间隔,例如48和72天。
作者 陈晓越
出处 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2014年第2期185-192,共8页 资源与生态学报(英文版)
基金 the Research Grant Council Program of Hong Kong(Grant No.HKU7301/04H,HKU7466/06H) the International Collaborative Program of Science and Technology of Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Science and Information Technology(Grant No.2012J5100044)
关键词 remote sensing short interval land use change RADARSAT-1 遥感 短时间间隔 土地利用变化 RADARSAT-1
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