The correctness of the constant for integral measuring instrument directly affects whether the product canbe approved or put into use. Taking the mass-produced electric energy meters as the research subject, the paperadds constant self-test function to the electric energy meter based on existing hardware and software configuration ofthe product. The instrument constant test is to verify the internal configuration of the constant value for the electricenergy meter and correctness of output pulse driving factor and electronic meter carry driving factor. The constantself-test function is configured for the electric energy meter, where the digital LCD screen toggles between thecontinuous display of electric energy accumulation and pulse accumulation counting display synchronized withinstrument output (optical or electrical) pulse. The screen is used for parameter display before the self-test, processdisplay of the self-test and result display of the self-test. The local function button on the cover of the electricenergy meter or the control button on the infrared remote controller are used to realize constant self-test functionswitching, parameters setting, and program start and stop function of the electric energy meter product. The meterwith the instrument constant self-test function has the advantages of simple operation, less test time, test error free,and improved reliability for the constant test.
Electrical Measurement & Instrumentation
meter constants, constant inspection, self-test function