目的 探讨人性化护理对从业人员体检肛拭采样结果的影响.方法 选择2012年1至12月份在我所门诊进行体检的39874例从业人员为研究对象,分为常规对照组19899例和人性化护理干预组19975例,常规对照组进行肛拭采样时给予常规护理,人性化护理干预组体检人员则在常规护理的基础上进行人性化护理干预,比较两组肛拭采样结果.结果 常规对照组肛拭采样一次成功率98.86%,阳性检出率为1.01‰,而人性化护理干预组肛拭采样一次成功率99.65%,阳性检出率为2.53‰.经统计分析,护理干预组的肛拭采样一次成功率明显比常规护理高,其差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).采样成功率以及阳性检出率在不同性别的变量上没有统计学意义,在不同年龄阶段的变量上有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 人性化护理干预有利于提高肛拭采样成功率,提高阳性检出率,提高体检人员满意度,保障从业人员及公众健康.
Objective To study the effects of humanistic nursing care on anal swab sampling results of employees.Methods 39 874 cases of employees treated with anal swab sample test in our clinic from January 2012 to December 2012 were randomly divided into the control group (19 899 cases) and the observation group (19 975 cases).The control group used routine nursing measures and observation group with the additional humanistic nursing intervention on the basis of routine care,the successful rate and positive rate of anal swab sampling tests were compared between the two groups.Results In control group,the successful rate and positive rate of anal swab sampling were 98.86% and 1.01‰ respectively,while in the additional the humanistic nursing intervention group,the rates were 99.65% and 2.53‰ respectively.And the successful rate in intervention group was significantly higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05).Sampling success rate and the positive rate were not statistically significant variables in different gender,there was statistical significant difference in the variables of different ages (P < 0.01).Conclusion Humanistic nursing care interventions can improve the successful rate and increase the positive detection rate of anal swab sampling,and to improve the patients' satisfaction to medical staff and help to promote public health.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News
Anal swab samples
Successful rate
Nursing care