本文提出了一种基于VxWorks和Sumsung S3C6410的鱼雷模拟器系统,VxWorks具有高可靠性和实时性的优点,S3C6410可提供丰富的外部通信接口,通过对硬件外设和相对应的软件驱动进行配套设计,可获得性能良好的鱼雷模拟器系统,并以网络接口的TCP/IP通信模式作为程序设计实例。
This paper presents one kind of torpedo simulator system based on VxWorks and Sumsung S3C6410. Embedded VxWorks has characteristic of high reliability and timeliness, and S3C6410 provides abundant external communication interfaces. By system hardwareand software co-design, high performance torpedo simulator system is obtained. Finally based on the hardware platform TCP/IP network program design is taken as an example.
Value Engineering