
测试效应在不同难度条件下的研究 被引量:1

A Study of Exploring the Testing Effect with Learning Materials in Different Degrees of Difficulties
摘要 目的:考察不同难度的学习材料(成对词汇)对回忆正确率的影响。方法:实验是以60名大学生为被试,采用的是3(学习材料难度:易、中、难)×2(组别:测试和重学)×2(测试间隔:3分钟后和3天后)的混合设计,因变量是被试回忆的正确率。结果:测试间隔、材料难度的主效应都极其显著(F=66.294,p<.01;F=89.325,p<.01),组间交互作用显著(F=21.149,p<.01),材料难度与组别(F=7.676,p<.01)、材料难度与测试间隔的交互作用均非常显著(F=6.703,p<.01),组别、材料难度和测试间隔三因素交互作用极其显著(F=10.366,p<.01)。结论:1.有测试的学习在记忆保持水平上明显优于无测试学习,即"测试效应";2.在中等难度的材料学习下测试效应最为显著。 Objective: The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of learning materials of varying in different degrees of diffic- ulties with the hit rate of recalling. Methods: The experiment involved 60 college students as the subjects and used a mixed design of 2 (study forms: S 总 S 1S2 and S总 T1T2)×2(test interval: 3 min later and 3 days later) ×3(material type: easy, middle and hard). Results: The main impact of the testing interval and paired-words difficulties are extremely obvious (F=66.294, p〈0.01 ; F=89.325, p〈0.01 ). The in- teraction of the between groups effects are obvious (F=21.149, p〈0.01).The interaction of the paired-words difficulties with EG and CG (F=7.676, p〈0.01 ),and testing interval (F=6.703, p〈0.01 ) are extremely obvious, and the interaction of 3 factors also are extremely obvi- ous (F=10.366, p〈0.01 ).Conclusion: 1.The results show that the study with testing is statistically better than study without testing in keeping memories of learning materials which confirmed the "Testing Effect". 2. It turns out that the testing effect with middle difficulties is the most significant results.
作者 丁凯
出处 《遵义师范学院学报》 2014年第3期77-80,84,共5页 Journal of Zunyi Normal University
关键词 测试 材料难度 测试效应 testing learning material types testing effect
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