我国幅员辽阔 ,人口众多 ,各地区情况差别较大 ,为使各地区能够根据自身实际情况实施可持续发展战略 ,需要制定科学合理、切实可行的“地区可持续发展指标体系”。通过动态对比和空间对比的方法对该指标体系进行综合评价 ,能够对各地区的可持续发展水平做总的判断 。
China has a vast territory and a huge population. Therefore, conditions and situations vary considerably from region to region. To ensure an effective implementation of our country's sustainable development strategy, which takes account of regional characteristics, it is necessary to work out an “Index System of Regional Sustainable Development', which should be scientific and feasible. It is suggested that both dynamic contrasting and regional contrasting be adopted for a comprehensive evaluation of the index system so as to arrive at an overall judgement of the progress of sustainable development in various regions, thereby providing valuable information for further implementation of regional sustainable development strategy.
Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)