认为欠发达地区建立在地区低级要素比较优势基础上的资源优势战略面对当前国内相对过剩经济的影响和国际激烈竞争的冲击 ,其局限性日益明显 ,必须加以重新审视。降低政府费用以增强地区比较优势 。
The strategy of resources advantages for less developed regions is facing a grim challenge with the implementation of global economic strategy. Less developed regions should learn to take advantage of reforms to strengthen their comparative advantages. However, with the deepening of reforms, it is bound to touch the interests pattern in the deeper layers. Therefore,stressing the position of government as a fixed factor and reducing the cost of govenment are becoming the key for strengthening the competitive advantages of these regions.
Journal of Northwest University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition