
光伏水泵系统出水量预测与试验研究 被引量:2

Discharge Prediction of Photovoltaic Pumping System and Experimental Research
摘要 基于分析和试验数据,分别对光伏水泵系统中各组成部件的运行特性进行数据拟合,从而实现对各部件与系统的数学建模,建立了光伏水泵系统的出水量预测模型。对不同辐射强度下的出水量预测值与试验值进行对比,发现当辐射强度高于500 W/m2时,该预测模型的预测结果与试验值的相对误差值均小于5%。分别对一年中光照辐射量最高与最低两天的系统出水总量进行预测与试验对比,发现全天出水总量的预测相对偏差都在3%以内,说明所建立的模型能够较为精确地预测系统的全天出水量。研究为光伏水泵性能预测和系统配置提供参考。 Based on the analysis and experimental data, each part of the photovohaic pumping system including photovohaic array, controller, motor, centrifugal pump and pipeline was modeled by means of simple equations and data fitting. According to the linear relationship between irradiation and output power, the controller and motor efficiency at different input power were obtained through experiment. The characters of a centrifugal pump between flow, head and efficiency were obtained through test. The pump performance in all conditions was obtained through the affinity method. The prevision method for discharge of the pumping system was established by these equations and the result was compared with experimental resuh at different irradiation levels. The result shows that the simulation result is close to the real. The precision was in 5% when the irradiation was more than 500 W/m2. Com- parisons of the discharge throughout the day between predicted data and experimental ones were made in the two days of highest and lowest irradiation during a year. The result indicates that the precision were less than 3%. It shows that the model can predict total water throughout the day accurately. It provides a reference for predicting the performance of photovohaic pumping system and system configuration.
出处 《流体机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期6-10,共5页 Fluid Machinery
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51109095) 国家高科技研究发展计划资助项目(2011AA100506)
关键词 光伏水泵 出水量 预测 试验 photovoltaic pumping system discharge prediction experiment
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