至少从战国起 ,中国人已从缫蚕茧丝过程中启示出漂絮造纸法 ,至西汉又扩大到漂麻絮的方法。东汉蔡伦发明了捣浆造纸法 ,使纸业走向社会化 ,捣浆法在中国造纸史上具有划时代的意义。由此可以断定 :战国至西汉为漂絮造纸时期 。
The Chinese invented the technology of making paper with floating fabric in the course of filature at least in the Warring Kingdoms period. Later, they again invented the technology of making paper based on the former in the West Han Dynasty. Cai Lun, an East Han inventor, innovated the technology of making paper with pulp and socialized paper making industry, which marked an epoch in Chinese history of paper making. To conclude according to the above mentioned, the historical phase between the Warring Kingdoms and the West Han period was the one of making paper with floating fabric whereas the phase of making paper with pulp has lasted from the East Han period to the end of the 20th century.
Journal of Shaanxi Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)