The paper tests and analyzes the tensile breaking strength, twist, moisture regain, CV value, yarn hairiness of 5 kinds yams, including banana fiber/cotton blended yam (55:45), pure banana fiber yam, ramie fiber/cotton blended yam(55:45), flax fiber/cotton blended yarn(55:45) and pure cotton yam, and also discusses the knitting feasibility of these yams on fiat knitting machine. The results show that the strength and evenness of bananafiber/cotton blended yarn are better than those of pure banana fiber yarn, as well as the soft hand, which can be used for developing knitted fabrics; while the pure banana fiber yarn has large rigidity, hard hand and more yarnhairiness, so it is necessary to make some softening finishing and wetting process before knitting to reduce the fiber fly and broken yarn. The achievements made in this paper can provide some theoretical basis and technical support for developing banana fiber knitted product.
Knitting Industries