
模糊法优化ClimateQUAL^(TM)的实证研究 被引量:2

Empirical Study on ClimateQUAL^(TM) Optimization with the Method of Fuzzy
摘要 介绍了ClimateQUALTM的概念和评测方法,对康奈尔大学图书馆和其他9个图书馆的调查数据进行分析,应用模糊法对ClimateQUALTM评估方法做后期数据处理和统计分析,得到平均满意度,以期进一步完善和优化这一评价方法体系。 The paper presents the concept and the assessment approach of ClimateQUALTM, analyzes the survey data of Cornell University Library and other 9 libraries, uses fuzzy method to make data post-processing and statistical analysis on ClimateQUALTM evaluation, and obtains average agreement index, so as to improve and optimize the evaluation system further.
作者 韩靖
出处 《情报探索》 2014年第6期24-27,共4页 Information Research
关键词 组织氛围 评估 优化 模糊法 organizational Climate evaluation optimization fuzzy method
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