国有商业银行的股份化改造是深化金融体制改革的必然选择。当前 ,我们已经初步具备这项改革的经济和法律条件 ,改革的环境也比较宽松。因此 ,要努力创造条件 ,积极稳妥地推进国有商业银行的股份制改革。在改革进程中必须坚持搞国家控股的股份制 ,而且要尽量采取规范的、高级形态的股份制。在推进国有商业银行股份制改造之前 ,先要把银行不良资产和信贷风险控制在可承受的范围内。这是一个基本前提。国有商业银行的股份制改革的关键是实现股权多元化 ,即要构建多元化的股本结构 。
Reform of the share-holding system of state-owned commercial banks is an unavoidabls option in deepening the reform of the monetary system.Presently,the primary economic and legal conditions for such reform already exist,and the environment for reform is more relaxed.We have only to be prepared to vigorously promote the reform.In the process of the reform,we must stick to promoting the reform.In the process of the reform,we must stick to state-dominated share-holding system,standardized and advanced.Prior to such reform,we must bring the banks'bad capital and risky loans within endurable range.The key to such reform is pluralism of stock right,namely,to establish a pluralized structure of stock capital,allow legal persons and individuals to be share-holders.
Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences