以厂商利益为出发点 ,是前期宏观政策调控效果欠佳的根本原因。市场格局由卖方市场向买方市场的转变 ,决定了政府政策目标的根本转变 :由以生产者为中心转变为以消费者为中心 ,立足市场 ,启动消费 ,实施“市场导向调控战略”———彻底清理整顿企业 ,坚决调整产业结构 ,以增加有效供给 ,为新一轮经济增长准备坚实的物质基础 ;大幅度增加居民收入 ,改善消费环境 ,创造景气预期 。
To proceed from the interests of business is the cause of the failure of earlier micropolicy mediation . The transformation of market structure from the seller's market to the buyer's decides that of government's policy objective : from producer-centred objective to consumer-centred one . Everything is based on the market to stimulate consumption and to carry out “ the strategy of market inclination mediation”——to consolidate the enterprises completely and revise the industrial structure in order to increase effective supply and to lay a solid foundation for the increase of a new round of economy ; greatly increase the income of the inhabitant in order to improve the consuming circumstances and achieve the desired prosperity and to cultivate the market for the increase of the new round of economy .
Journal of Tianzhong