中国古代新闻法 规的形成,从最早有关禁言与禁书的条文规定开始,到清代末年较为独立正式的新闻法规的 产生,其内容自始至终带有明显的承袭性,并形成鲜明的个性特点,即以刑为主,以有效确保封建大一统政治统治为目的的零散条款。其产生是中国几千年大一统封建社会结构的必然产物。
The formation of ancient Chinese news laws and regulations, from the beginning of the earliest laws and regulations about banning words and books to the production of formal news laws and regulations in the end of Qing dynasty, shows that it obviously follows the tradition ,and forms it's characte ristics. The characteristics is taking punishment as the most important , and de fending feudal rule as purpose. It's production is certainly the result of certa inly social structure.