市场营销学从市场的角度来认识产品 ,并提出了整体产品的概念。但是在一些教材和书籍中对整体产品概念的理解存在着某些认识误区和片面性。比如 ,认为形式产品是有形的、延伸产品即售后服务等等。笔者就此类问题进行了分析和研究 ,并提出了自己的见解 ,试图对整体产品概念有一个全面。
From the angle of Marketi ng,pro duct is understanded as the entire produ ct.But in some books,the concept of the entire product is unsuitable or one side d.For exmple,it is only thought that the formal product is tangible and the exte nsive product is equal to after sale ser vice,etc.In this paper,author analyses t hese problems and puts forword different viewpoints to make the concept more acc urate and more rational.
Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities(Philosophy and Social Sciences)