
2010年中国26个少数民族9~18岁女生月经初潮年龄现状分析与比较 被引量:11

Current situation and comparison of age at menarche in 26 ethnic minority groups in Chinese girls in 2010
摘要 目的:了解我国26个少数民族9~18岁女生月经初潮年龄的特点,并分析其与同省(区)汉族女生的差异。方法:利用2010年全国学生体质健康调研数据,对26个少数民族(蒙古族、回族、藏族等)31711名9~18岁女生的月经初潮年龄进行分析,并与同省(区)汉族女生进行比较。用概率单位回归法计算月经初潮平均年龄( age at menarche ,AAM),采用χ2检验、U检验等对数据进行比较,使用聚类分析绘制少数民族女生AAM动态聚类图。结果:在13岁年龄组,月经初潮发生率最低的民族为撒拉族(32.71%),最高的为朝鲜族(93.23%)(P<0.01)。到18岁时,99.60%的女生均已出现月经。在26个少数民族中,AAM最早的前3位分别为朝鲜族(11.79岁)、蒙古族(12.44岁)和壮族(12.52岁),AAM最晚的3个少数民族分别为东乡族(14.36岁)、撒拉族(14.32岁)和水族(14.02岁)。与同省(区)汉族女生比较,朝鲜族和蒙古族女生AAM分别早于同省(区)汉族女生0.93岁和0.14岁;纳西族和羌族女生AAM与同省(区)汉族女生基本一致,差异无统计学意义( P>0.05);其余少数民族女生AAM均晚于同省(区)汉族女生。聚类分析发现,26个少数民族可分为AAM较早组、中间组和较晚组3大类型,较早组为朝鲜族,较晚组为东乡族、撒拉族、维吾尔族、彝族和水族,其余20个少数民族属于中间组。结论:我国各少数民族女生AAM民族间差异较大,与同省(区)汉族女生相比,除朝鲜族和蒙古族女生的AAM明显早于当地汉族女生外,其他少数民族女生的AAM均接近或晚于当地汉族女生。 Objective:To analyze the current situation of age at menarche ( AAM) in Chinese ethnic minority girls aged 9 -18 years, and compare the AAM with that of Chinese Han girls from the same province or autonomous region .Methods:Probit analyses were used to calculate the AAM in various eth-nic minority groups of Chinese girls who participated in 2010 National Physical Fitness and Health Sur-veillance .The sample size of ethnic minority girls was 31 711, and the ethnic minorities were Mongolian , Hui, Tibetan, Uighur, Miao, Yi, Zhuang, Buyi, Korean, Dong, Yao, Bai, Tujia, Hani, Kazak, Dai, Li, Lisu, Wa, Shui, Dongxiang, Naxi, Kirgiz, Tu, Qiang and Sala.The local Han girls to compare with the AAM were also surveyed in 2010 National Physical Fitness and Health Surveillance .Results:In the 13-year-old group, the percentage of menarche in Sala was the lowest (32.17%), while that in Korean was the highest (93.23%).At the age of 18, 99.60%ethnic minority girls appeared menstruating .The AAM of the top 3 ethnic minority groups were Korean ( 11 .79 years ) , Mongolian ( 12 .44 years ) and Zhuang (12.52 years); and the last 3 ethnic minority groups were Dongxiang (14.36 years), Sala (14.32 years) and Shui (14.02 years).The AAM in Korean was 0.93 years earlier than that of the Han girls from Jilin province;the AAM in Mongolian was 0 .14 years earlier than that of the Han girls from Neimenggu autonomous region;the AAM in Naxi and Qiang was close to that of the Han girls in the same province (region) (P>0.05);and the AAM in Hui, Uighur, Miao, Yi, Zhuang, Buyi, Dong, Yao, Bai, Tujia, Hani, Kazak, Dai, Li, Lisu, Wa, Shui, Dongxiang, Kirgiz, Tu, and Sala was later than that of the Han girls in the same province ( region) .The cluster analysis indicated that the 26 ethnic mi-nority groups could be classified as three groups: Korean were classified into the earlier age group of AAM;Dongxiang, Sala, Uighur, Yi and Shui belonged to the later age group of AAM;and the other 20 ethnic minority groups were into the middle age group of AAM .Conclusion:There was a large variation among different ethnic minority groups in China .The AAM was earlier in Korean , and Mongolian , com-pared with the local Han girls , and the AAM in other ethnic minority groups was the same or later com-pared with the local Han girls .
出处 《北京大学学报(医学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期360-365,共6页 Journal of Peking University:Health Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金(81302442)资助~~
关键词 月经初潮 青春期发育 少数民族 学生 Menarche Adolescent development Minority groups Students
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