
训练冲量在马拉松训练负荷监控中的应用研究 被引量:10

The Application of Training Impulse (TRIMP) in Marathon Training Load Monitoring
摘要 目的:建立马拉松项目综合训练负荷的评价方法,掌握个性化评定方法,对训练模式进行探讨和总结。方法:以四名优秀马拉松运动员为研究对象,通过三区段训练冲量评定方法,对比赛备战过程中两次高原训练和赛前训练进行跟踪测试。结果:研究发现四名运动员的三区段强度训练时间都有差异(p<0.05),但是变化趋势不同。运动员ZCX的ZoneI最高,而其他三名运动员的ZoneII最高。ZCX的ZoneII训练时间显著高于其他三名运动员(p<0.05)。研究发现运动员ZCX的ZoneII强度区段(有氧阈至无氧阈)几乎在各训练的亚阶段中都是最高的,尤其是在高原训练中,ZoneII的比例分别达到了57.69%和53.71。结论:三区段训练冲量评定是评估马拉松训练负荷的有效手段,通过这一方法发现介于有氧阈与无氧阈之间有氧耐力训练是马拉松训练的最有效强度。 Object :The aim of this study was to develop a method to monitor marathon training load of elite athlete ,through an individual training impulse .Methods :Four elite marathon athletes performed a maximal cardiorespiratory exercise test before the training period to determine ventilatory threshold (VT) and respiratory compensation threshold (RCT) .Heart rate was continuously recorded using telemetry during each training session over 107days macrocycle ,include altitude training and plain training .Results :The difference of three zones training time was significant (p〈0 .05) ,all of the four runners .The ZoneI training time of ZCX was highest among the three zones ,both ant altitude and plain .But ZoneII training time of the other three runners was highest among the three zones .The ZCX ZoneII training time significantly higher than the other participants(p〈0 .05) at altitude .The proportion of training time of ZCX accumulated in ZoneI and ZoneII ,which train intense was under RCT ,higher than other runners when trained at altitude(Lijiang) .Conclusions :Lucia’s three zones TRIMP is a valid tool in monitor marathon training load both at altitude and plain .And ,our findings suggest that the train intense between LT and RCT is the most efficient training .
出处 《体育与科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期56-61,共6页 Sports & Science
关键词 马拉松 训练冲量 训练监控 marathon TRIMP training monitoring
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