

Research on Electrochemical Micro-etching Uniformity Based on the First Current Distribution
摘要 在电解刻蚀中,阳极表面的电流密度由装置的几何尺寸、加工参数、极化情况等决定,其中,几何要素决定加工间隙的初次电流密度分布,主要影响刻蚀结果。采用有限单元法数值模拟不同尺寸阴极、辅助电极、加工间隙等对加工区域初次电流分布的影响,确定了均匀性随各几何因素的变化趋势。 In electrolytic etching,the current density at the anode surface is determined by the geometry of the apparatus,processing parameters and polarization conditions etc.. Geometric elements determine the initial current density distribution in machining gap,which mainly affects the etching results. Numerical simulation of finite element method is used to study the effects of different sizes of cathode,auxiliary electrode and machining gap on the initial current density distribution,and the variable tendency of uniformity with various geometrical factors is attained.
出处 《电加工与模具》 2014年第3期48-50,55,共4页 Electromachining & Mould
基金 国家自然科学基金重点资助项目(U1134003) 国家青年科学基金资助项目(51205066)
关键词 电解微刻蚀 电流密度 均匀性 electrochemical micro-etching current density uniformity
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