埃塞俄比亚SEBETA—MIESO段铁路是埃塞俄比亚第一条待建电气化铁路。埃塞俄比亚以农牧业为主,工业相对落后,对于首条电气化铁路,既无经验可循,可借鉴的技术资料也较少。文章首先结合埃塞俄比亚的基本国情,参照中国和欧洲电气化铁路标准,确定该铁路项目使用的受电弓参数,根据UIC 608附件4a规定选定受电弓弓头几何外形、弓头总长度和弓头的工作范围;其次根据TSI(欧洲互联互通技术规范)选定受电弓静态接触力标称值以满足受电弓平均抬升力的要求;最后根据选定受电弓参数选取适宜的接触网悬挂参数,选定接触线和承力索的线索组合以及张力组合,以及接触悬挂的结构高度、吊弦间距、跨距、锚段长度和锚段关节的种类等参数。
The railway from Sebeta to Mieso is the first electrified railway to be built in Ethiopia.Ethiopia is an agricul-tural and animal husbandry based country,while industry is relatively backward.Therefore,there is no previous experi-ence to follow and technical information that could be referred to is also less.According to the fundamental realities of E-thiopia,pantograph parameters of the railway project are determined referred to the standards of electrified railway of China and Europe.And then,the geometric shape,length and working range of pantograph head are selected as per the attachment 4a of UIC 608.Besides,the normal value of the stable contact force of pantograph is confirmed in line with TSI to meet the requirement of the average lift force of pantograph.Finally,according to the confirmed pantograph pa-rameters,the appropriate parameters of catenary of OCS are chosen.Moreover,the combination of the contact line and the cantenary wire,the structural height,the dropper space,the span,tension length,the type of overlap section are all selected.
High Speed Railway Technology
electrified railway
catenary of overhead contact system (OCS)