
Thermal and Economical Analysis of the Solar Preheating of Steam Boiler Feed Water 被引量:1

Thermal and Economical Analysis of the Solar Preheating of Steam Boiler Feed Water
摘要 It is presented that a feasibility assessment of solar preheating of steam boiler feed water for opened vapor systems. Data from a medium sized dairy industry near Rio de Janeiro city, in Brazil, is used to compose a case study. Forty eight solar heating system computer simulations were carried out in TRNSYS (transient system simulation software), for a range of design parameters corresponding to the 5% best economic results of a series of 2,700 simpler simulations (φ,f-chart method), programmed on Matlab. It has been used TMY (typical meteorological year) hourly weather data from Rio de Janeiro. Investment cost was composed from both commercial and literature values, while revenue was based on the avoided consumption of fuel for LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), natural gas and fuel oil, with only the first showing economically feasible. The results, however, made it possible to address environmentally sound public policies to encourage industrial solar energy use.
出处 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第5期775-784,共10页 能源与动力工程(美国大卫英文)
关键词 Solar thermal dairy industry water preheating. 太阳能加热系统 热经济分析 蒸汽系统 锅炉给水 预热 里约热内卢 计算机模拟 系统仿真软件
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