本文记述了我国晚始新世的一低等四足类动物群,包括三种蜥蜴和两种鳄类.其中的宽额半鳄蜥(Hemishinisaurus latifrons gen. et sp. nov.)是我国首次发现的异蜥科化石;垣曲响蜥(Tinosaurus yuanquensis sp. nov.)是响蜥属在我国的最晚代表.
The geological investigations and fossil collections started in 1920s' and have been carrying on intermittently until now at Yuanqu, Shanxi province. have proved that Zhaili member Hedi Formation is rich in fossil vertebrates——not only in mammals. but also in reptiles. Nevertheless only a turtle, Trionyx spp. has been so far reported. The present paper deals with the materials of reptiles obtained in the late 1980s'. Although the specimens are abundant, most of them are dissociated and fragmentary bones or isolated teeth and can not be recognized on species or even generic level. The assemblage, being the second Eocene reptile fauna in China, consists of a turtle, 3 lizards and 2 crocodiles. A new genus and 2 new species are here described. Coexisted with the terrestrial lower tetrapod fauna are such mammals as primitive cricetids, zapodids and abundant anthracotheres in Late Eocene Zhaili Basin (Tong, 1989). The author is very grateful to her colleagues, Tong Yongsheng and Wang Jingwen for their fruitful investigations and offering the valuable specimens to her.
Vertebrata Palasiatica