本文对采集于新疆、青海和四川等地的小麦族(Triticeae Dumortier)10属、52种、370份种子材料进行了细胞学观察。该地区小麦族各属种的染色体数目变化范围是从2n=14到2n=84,前者主要存在于大麦属(Hordeum)、新麦草属(Psathyrostachys)和黑麦属(Secale),而后者全部集中于赖草属(Leymus)。其中染色体数目为2n=28和2n=42的类型出现的频率很高,大多存在于鹅观草属(Roegneria)和披碱草属(Elymus)。除个别种内存在不同倍性的细胞型外,绝大多数种的染色体数目非常稳定。在所有的样本中均没有观察到具非整倍体和B-染色体的材料。
The cytological observations on 10 genera, 52 species and 370 collections within the tribe Triticeae Dumortier in Xinjiang, Qinghai, Sichuan etc. were made in the present paper. The range of chromosome numbers varied from 2n=14 which was mainly found in most species of genus Hordeitm and all species of genus Psathyrosiachys and Secale, to 2n = 84 which was only observed in genus Leyrnus. The collections with chromosome of 2n=:28 and 2n=42 were highly presented in the above mentioned areas. The species with chromosome number or 28 and 42 were mostly found in genera Roegneria and Elymus. Except a few species in which different polyploidy types were found, most species were very stable in chromosome number. No aneuploid or B-chromosomc was observed in all the collections.
Acta Botanica Yunnanica