微机电系统(MEMS)陀螺仪体积很小,开机时产生的功耗会导致较大升温,造成电性能漂移严重,增加启动时间。为解决这个问题,分析了MEMS陀螺仪中对温度敏感的环节,并建立温度模型。通过对温度特性的补偿得到最小化的开机漂移。然后设计了一款MEMS陀螺仪电路以实现开机漂移的补偿。实测结果表明,采用该补偿方法,能够把100 s内的开机漂移减小到0.06°/s,满足应用需求。
The power dissipation may cause a large temperature increase because the small micro electronic and mechanic system( MEMS) gyroscope results in serious electrical performance drift and a longer startup time. To solve this problem, an analysis on the points sensitive to temperature is given, and temperature model is built. The smallest startup drift is achieved by temperature compensation. Then a corresponding compensation circuit is implemented. The test results reveal that, by this method, the startup drift is re-duced to 0. 06 o/s within 100 s, which meets the requirement of application.
Telecommunication Engineering