40多年来 ,中非农业合作取得了巨大成绩 ,但存在的问题也很突出 ,主要是 :没有建立起一种关于非洲农业发展和中非农业合作理论知识的积累机制 ;没有注意项目的典型性 ,没有把先期项目的经验教训应用在后期项目中 ,合作项目缺乏可重复性和可持续性 ;没有像中非双方期望的那样 ,把中国发展农业特别是在宏观上管理农业的经验进行成功的移植 ,限制了对非洲农业发展的促进作用。 2 1世纪的中非农业合作应注重长期合作机制的建立及合作项目的成功率。
Sino-African cooperation in agriculture has achieved great results over the past four decades; but there are protruding problems at the same time, mainly in the lack of establishing an accumulated system of theoretical intelligence regarding African agricultural development and Sino- African agricultural cooperation. There is also the absence of typical attention of projects; experiences and lessons from the initial phase have not been applied to the projects during the later stage; there is the lack of repeat and sustainability in the cooperative projects; China's progress in agriculture, particularly experiences in the macro-management of agriculture has not been successfully transplanted as expected by both China and Africa, which has restricted the promotion towards the agricultural development in Africa. Attention should be paid to the establishment of long-term cooperative system and the success rate of cooperative projects in the Sino-African agricultural cooperation in the 21st Century.
West Asia and Africa