
玉米赤霉烯酮的生殖毒性研究进展 被引量:12

The Development of Zearalenone Reproduction Toxicity
摘要 玉米赤霉烯酮是一种特殊毒性的生物毒素,它的强雌激素样作用对动物机体的伤害很大,不仅引起动物流产、死胎、低产仔率等生殖机能异常,还可以导致繁殖功能下降、不育、畸形等。已有研究表明,ZEA对肝脏、肾脏、生殖系统和免疫系统产生明显的损伤,对细胞和遗传性也有毒性作用。目前,虽然国内外学者做了大量的研究,来揭示玉米赤霉烯酮损害机体生殖功能的机制,但关于它影响机体的生殖性能更详尽的机制还亟待进一步的研究。文章主要针对玉米赤霉烯酮的生殖毒性进行了综述,总结出ZEA对生殖系统的毒性机制,从而为临床预防及治疗繁殖疾病提供理论依据。 Zearalenone is a kind of biologic toxin with especial toxicity, which has a strong estrogenic effect that is harm with animal body. It not noly cause animal abortion, fetal death,low farrowing rate, can also induce the decline of upgrowth, immunosuppress, sterility, monstrosity. Recent research demonstrates that ZEA produce obvious damage on liver, kidney, reproductive system and immune system,and still have toxic effect on cells and heredity. Currently,although the domestic and foreign scholars have done a lot of research to reveal the injury mechanism of reproductive function,but more detailed mechanism still need further research. This article made a general account of the reproduction toxicity of zearalenone and summed up the reproductive system toxicity mechanism of ZEA to provide theoretical basis for clinical prevention and treatment of reproductive disease.
出处 《畜牧兽医杂志》 2014年第4期32-35,共4页 Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
关键词 玉米赤霉烯酮 生殖毒性 作用机制 zearalenone reproduction toxicity mechanism of action
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