
基于SNA参数增量的网络舆论调控时机研究 被引量:1

A Study on the Timing to Guide Internet Public Opinion Based on SNA
摘要 采用社会网络分析理论,通过分析对比网络整体及个体的SNA属性参数及其变化对网络舆论的调控时机进行了研究与验证,揭示出网络舆论系统演变的内部特征,以其为依据提出了网络舆论调控时机的判则以及确定SNA属性参数及其增量预警阈值的一般性建议。最后以论坛上的网络话题为例进行了验证。该研究结合SNA理论对网络舆论系统进行了定量分析,对大规模网络舆情事件的爆发具有一定的预警作用,可以作为实行网络舆论调控的依据之一,具有理论指导意义与实际应用价值。 This paper studied the timing of guiding public opinion in the Intemet based on difference method of social network analysis ( SNA ) parameters. The parameters and its increment of the network and the agent were taken as the study object. The general evolution rule and its internal characteristics in the Intemet public opinion system were revealed. The range of SNA parameters and its increment was proposed and the rules of timing to guide were given. Then, the rules were verified with the records of an event occurred in Tianya forum. This paper analyzed the Internet public opinion system quantitatively based on SNA, proposed one of the rules of guiding public opinion in the Internet. The study is theoretically directive and practicallv useful.
出处 《网络安全技术与应用》 2014年第6期167-168,共2页 Network Security Technology & Application
基金 中国信息安全测评中心资助项目
关键词 网络舆论 调控 社会网络分析 演化 Intemet public opinion guiding social network analysis evolution
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